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Hearing from the Candidates
Posted on: 10 Dec 2019Misbourne Sixth Formers had an introduction to election campaigning at a mini hustings assembly held in school on Monday 9 December. The Labour Party candidate, Matt Turmaine and the Green Party Candidate, Alan Booth promoted themselves and their parties’ policies to the students. Following the presentations, students were given the opportunity to question the candidates about a range of topical issues that were particularly relevant to young people.
All the candidates standing in the Chesham and Amersham constituency were invited to take part in these assembly hustings; Dan Gallagher, the Liberal Democrat candidate, will conduct a similar assembly on Wednesday 11 December.
Only a small number of the students will be eligible to vote in the forthcoming election, however at The Misbourne we believe it is important to develop all our students’ knowledge and understanding of the country’s political system.