
Friends of The Misbourne

Welcome to Friends of The Misbourne … the PTA

We provide a sociable link between home and school, fundraising through social events and activities to support the school and our children.

Our fundraising has been used to improve facilities and the educational experience for our children. Most recently, we have purchased a new school minibus.  In recent years we have funded the annual BookBuzz scheme for all Year 7 students, rewards for students in Years 8-11, as well as cameras for the photography department. 

Our events are fun and inclusive and we encourage everyone to get involved because supporting our children on the ‘journey’ through secondary school is something we all feel passionately about.

Through social media, the weekly Families' Bulletin and regular updates we will keep you up to date with events … as well as sharing and celebrating what’s been happening at The Misbourne.

To find out more or to join, please email

Registered charity no. 801217


Second-hand uniform shop

The FOTM run a second-hand uniform shop, selling good-quality uniform at low prices.  To enquire about an item, email