Contact Details and how to find us
Headteacher: Mr Rich Peters
The MisbourneMisbourne Drive, Great Missenden, HP16 0BNGet Directions
For maps and directions please enter your postcode in the box below.
Headteacher PA: Mrs Debbie Murray
If you wish to contact the school, please address your enquiry to our receptionists, using the administration email address or telephone them using the links below:
They will direct your enquiry to the appropriate member of staff. To contact our Headteacher, Mr Richard Peters, please email his PA, Mrs Debbie Murray, at:
Chair of Trustees: Ms L Moseley
The Misbourne,
Misbourne Drive,
Great Missenden,
HP16 0BN
email via:
Requests for Copies
If you are unable to access any correspondence or school website information, please contact the school and we will provide you with the information in a suitable appropriate form.
The Misbourne is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with registered number 11024953. Registered Office: Misbourne Drive, Great Missenden, Bucks, HP16 0BN