
Careers Guidance and Advice

All Year 11 and 13 students are entitled to a Careers Guidance meeting; these will arranged during the school day, a form group at a time.  If a student requires their Careers meeting to be prioritised, please contact  The school outsources the Careers Guidance meetings so that students receive impartial advice from a level 7 trained Careers professional.  

At The Misbourne, we are keen to encourage our students to research the careers and opportunities that are available to them so that they can set themselves targets to strive towards.

Careers Resources:

There are many resources available that provide information, but we have signposted a few websites below that are a good place to start:

Individual Careers Guidance:

National Careers Service chat; phone; email Mon - Fri 8am - 8pm & Saturday 10am - 5pm NCS

Scope provides specialist careers advice for individuals with additional needs 

To book an appointment with Lynette Gogay, our contracted Careers Advisor (appointments are held in school, families can join the meeting via zoom) - contact Mrs Hill or your form tutor

Careers resources for students and families

Bucks Skills Hub website – a one-stop shop for students and adults, focussing on skills and career-related advice in Buckinghamshire.  The website highlights job possibilities in key sectors across Buckinghamshire and shows 1000s of live jobs. It is also full of the latest resources and advice on career choices, skills development and recruitment, as well as redundancy support.

We have a contract with Unifrog - the universal destinations platform, which helps students compare every university course, every apprenticeship, and Further Education courses - then apply successfully.  It provides information about different careers and is a rich source of information for future pathways.

Aspire Guide - Your essential guide to careers, further education and university

You'll find lots of useful information and links to support you so that you are equipped to make the right decisions when choosing your study options and employment routes:Adviza

Talking Future is a toolkit for families to help career conversations

A free, online careers platform, designed to connect 11-18 year olds with their future career potential:Start

Careers advice and info on a wide range of jobs, training course resources and funding: National Careers Service

Careers information and tools for 11-19 year olds: Career Pilot

Whether you are deciding what to study, taking your exams, planning a career, or just curious, BBC Bitesize is there   to explain the world of work, with advice from people who've found the right path for them: BBC Bitesize

 Thousands of career videos of people from hundreds of careers: I

 National careers film library and The Skills Explorer: Careers Box

 Success at School Careers Guide

 Success at School Careers Guide : Employability Skills

Exploring the job market

Bucks Skills Hub video : Where next: employment, education or apprenticeship? 

Bucks Skills Hub video: Understanding the job market: what’s on your doorstep? 

Target Jobs - look through graduate job descriptions to find out what each job involves and the qualifications and skills that are most needed

Help finding apprenticeships, college courses or work experience to start building your future: Not Going To Uni

Information about the job market for students and school leavers. All About Careers

Advice about work experience, internship opportunities and graduate careers: Prospects

One way to make your personal statement / CV stand out is to show that you have studied around your subjects, for instance by taking a free online course.  Choose from hundreds of free online courses from top universities and specialist organisations.  Browse by subject or start date, to find the right course for you: Future Learn

Careers magazines for families 

Careers Mag - Careers magazine for parents

Careers Mag - for school leavers

To view a number of other helpful websites visit: Adviza

Paid for advice and guidance

If you're not sure what career or study options you are suited to a Morrisby Online assessment may be able to help.  To find out more visit the Adviza website

Next steps: Higher educationfurther education

UCAS   Explore your options, apply to uni, alternatives to uni, further education, careers

The Uni Guide  – What to study, where to go and how to get there

The Student Room  – Looks at careers in graduate job sectors as well as advice on applying to uni

FE Courses:  –  The Government’s overview of FE, find a course and funding

Good Schools Guide- An overview of further education

Help with the application process

A complete guide for students in dealing with psychometric tests during interview processes for internships and first full-time jobs.  Free practice tests can be found on Institute of Psychometric CoachingBarclaysLifeSkills or Practice Reasoning Tests

Saville, SHL and Aon are the most commonly used test providers in early careers recruitment  - they provide practice tests to help your prepare for the selection process.

Saville practice tests

SHL practice tests

Aon practice tests

Many organisations use recorded interviews as part of their selection process.  Hireview is one of the providers many firms use - we would encourage you to practice recording an interview using this website.  This video gives you some advice when preparing for your interview. 


Page Downloads Date  
Classroom to Careers December 2024 final version 04th Dec 2024 Download
Classroom to Careers Feb 2025 final 1 24th Feb 2025 Download