

Physical Education

We class ourselves as one of the most active and vibrant departments in the school. Our 5 Year curriculum aims to ensure that learners have the skills needed not only to succeed within Physical Education and their KS4 qualifications but to improve the life skills of all the learners. This includes respecting one another, being part of a team and overcoming failure by building resilience, all skills needed in 21st century Britain. We value the importance of keeping active and ensuring learners are keen to adopt healthy, active lifestyles in and out of school to improve their physical fitness and mental well-being.

Key Stage 3

Building on previous 'physical' skills taught at key stage 2, learners will access a high-quality physical education curriculum, that inspires pupils of all abilities to succeed and excel in physical activity. The curriculum will provide opportunities for pupils to improve physical, mental & social confidence with each term having a specific focus and range of activities on offer through a broad range of physical activities. We aim to expose pupils to competitive situations in both team and individual activities, promote being physically active, build character and embedding core values. 

All Key Stage 3 students receive two timetabled PE lessons each week. Students will cover a range of activities, including; Football, Netball, Basketball, Lacrosse, Rugby, Handball, Hockey, Gymnastics, Dance, Athletics, Cricket, Tennis, Rounders and, Ultimate Frisbee.

The Department also offers a diverse number of extracurricular clubs designed to enhance our curriculum offer and to embed skills and knowledge developed in lessons. Furthermore, to extend pupils' curiosity for the subject and to enhance their experience of the wider world the PE Department offers a range of educational visits and enhancement trips. 

Key Stage 4

Learners will have the opportunity to pursue both competitive and non-competitive (recreational) activities of their choice. This will allow them to improve their ability in certain activities or take up a challenge in new activities. Learners will gain experiences ensuring full engagement and enjoyment of physical activity, whilst promoting life-long participation. We hope to encourage healthy lifestyle habits, improve fitness, interacting socially, enhancing perseverance, and self-motivation whist gaining a sense of achievement.

In Year 10 and 11, pupils have the option to study EdExcel GCSE PE.   Through this course, learners will be able to make informed decisions about further learning opportunities and career pathways after KS4 within the field of PE.  

This course enable students to become leaders and role models for fellow students in the lower school, as they set standards of excellence and provide direction and purpose when they organise inter-house activities, officiate school games, coach and supervise training sessions within the PE department.  

The standards set by these upper school students will encourage fellow pupils to follow in their footsteps and one day become leaders themselves. 


This course is aimed at those students who are especially enthusiastic towards their sport and who actively take part in regular physical activity. Students will have five lessons across a two week timetabled period, of which one will usually be a practical lesson with the other four being theory lessons.

Component 1: Fitness and Body Systems

Written exam 1 hour and 45 minutes (90 marks) = 36% of overall qualification. Topics include: applied anatomy and physiology, movement analysis and physical training.

Component 2: Health and Performance

Written exam 1 hour and 15 minutes (70 marks) = 24% of overall qualification. Topics include: health, fitness and well-being, sports psychology and sociocultural influences.

Component 3: Practical Performance

Internally marked and externally moderated based on your ability in 3 different sports (30% of overall qualification).

Component 4: Personal Exercise Plan (PEP)

Internally marked and externally moderated (10% of overall qualification).


Key Stage 5

OCR Cambridge Technical Level 3 Sport and Physical Activity

(Equivalent to 1.5 A Levels)

Why study CTEC Sport?

You will be equipped with the skills, knowledge and understanding for entry to higher education or a range of career paths. You will have the opportunity, through applied learning, to develop the core specialist knowledge, skills and understanding required in the sport and physical activity sector. It is a practical based course, where you have to apply your knowledge to a variety of different scenarios. We follow the fitness instructor pathway, which includes a wide range of units that suit all learners.

What can it lead on to?

This course opens doors to a number of careers and life options including; physiotherapy, teaching, sports science, sports management, sports coaching, personal trainer or dietician.

What are the areas of study?

The qualification consists of three exams (44%), which are multiple choice, short answer and ten mark essay style questions. The exams are split across the two years with an opportunity to retake each one. The remainder of the qualification is coursework (56%) which consists of five units. The units may include sports coaching and leadership, sports injuries, group exercise to music, health and fitness testing and physical activity for specific groups. However, there is an opportunity to select alternative units, depending on the group. The coursework is assessed in a variety of ways, for example presentations, practical coaching sessions, fitness testing, essays and reports

Department Staff

Mr Poeti (Curriculum Leader)

Mrs Clegg

Mrs Flitney (Head of Year)

Mrs Golla (Deputy Head)

Ms Hill (Head of 6th Form)

Mr Tebb

Mr Hull

Miss Weddell

Miss Fuller

Useful Websites and Resources

Subject Documents Date  
PE Curriculum Map 16th Aug 2024 Download